Parallel Vote Counting
PR & Events / Branding & Design / Strategic Planning
This campaign included a pre-election component that informed the public of the Parallel Vote Count and explained in simple terms how it worked. The pre-electoral component included the production of high-quality print ads, posters, TV spot and the spread of these materials. The campaign also included the effort during the election process, especially during the counting of the votes, to brand Parallel Vote Count communications through website releases and press conferences, and brand Parallel Vote Count personnel throughout the election process for maximum visibility and exposure.
Our agency created the branding of this PVC as a unified effort showing this is an Albanian effort to safeguard elections. We provided strong visibility of the campaign by designing graphics and other aspects of the PVC information for the website, producing and broadcasting a TV spot, and also other activities to encourage people to vote by explaining the importance and function of the Parallel Vote Count.
By the end and as a result of the intervention, the public knew of PVC, appreciated its purpose in the elections, and knew of the results that emerged from the PVC.
The Parallel Vote Count was carried out successfully with the result that:
– Showcases the competence and professionalism of the Albanian organizations that carried it out
– Reinforced public confidence in the validity of the official results.